Monday, January 28, 2008

a lot of catching up to do

Well I'm back from my 6 week blogging hiatus (no, I wasn't serving a performance enhancing drug suspension or showing solidarity with the striking tv writers- I just haven't gotten "around to it" until now).

Here's a quick Top 10 list of highlights of the past 6 weeks in a roughly chronological order.

10. We took the cats to the veterinarian the first week of Christmas vacation. Based on the vet's examination, Princess and George have had their names changed to Princeton and Georgia*. They're both growing big (Princeton more so) and keeping our house lively. Just this weekend, Georgia displayed her new skill of scaling the screen in the dining room window.

9. Jodie, Shea, & Micah traveled to Quito to meet Jod's mom & dad at the airport and they all returned to our house on Christmas Eve. It was so great to have our family here for Christmas. It was rainy and cool on Christmas morning which made it feel a little bit more wintry- but just a little bit.

8.5 (I just remembered I didn't put this in). I got to go with an MAF radio tech (Rob) and pilot (Steve) to the village of Bufeo to help install a radio. It was a neat experience to work together with Rob, Steve, and the people of the village to help take down their old radio pole, install the new one, and get everything hooked up and working. MAF is providing and/or upgrading radios to dozens of villages in the Oriente region of Ecuador. These radios allow for efficient communication in the event of medical emergencies or other important contacts.

8. I traveled to Quito to meet my sisters at the airport and we all returned to Shell on December 29. We were so lucky to have 4 family members all here at the same time. My sisters showed off their basketball skills in our weekly pickup game and had Jadyn over for a "girls only makeup party sleepover".

7. On New Years Eve, the ten of us hopped into two MAF airplanes for a trip to the Waorani village of Tiwaeno. This village often hosts visitors and provided us with a look at some of the traditions and customs of this people. It was a fun visit complete with traditional dancing and having our faces painted (not counting the mud painting Luke got on his face when he fell). A highlight of the trip happened as soon as we got off the plane. An older man named Dewey (sp?) came over and prayed with us in Waorani. Dewey was one of the men who were part of the group that killed the 5 missionaries in 1956. What a beautiful image of reconciliation, redemption, and grace

6. The New Years Eve tradition in Ecuador is to burn an "old man". People stuff and dress up these mannequin/scarecrow type men and often will make them look like a politician or celebrity. Then they set them on fire at midnight. Our neighborhood had a New Years Eve party with games, devotions, and the burning of the old man. We did ours a little early so some of us could head into town at midnight to see the local festivities in Shell. That was a fun experience complete with fireworks.

5. Later that week we (the 10 of us plus Ron- our chauffeur/tour guide/travel agent extraordinaire) traveled to Banos and got to do a number of cool things. We hiked down to a waterfall, rode a cable car (tarabita) across (and high above) the river- well not everyone chose to do this one, went to the zoo, and saw the Tungurahua volcano. This volcano has gotten some international press for its increased activity recently but it's not considered imminently dangerous.

4. On Friday the 4th all 10 of us (and Ron) headed back up to Quito. This was our first extended stay in Quito and we did lots of fun things. We went to an Equator monument and got to see some cool experiments (like water draining straight down the sink without swirling), rode the telefarico high above Quito, shopped and ... (drum roll please) ... ate at McDonalds. Our first trip to the golden arches in over 5 months. Sadly though, we had to say goodbye as Dee, Beth, Mom, and Dad all had to return home.

3.5 (another something I forgot) School started again on the 7th. Jodie's class has a new 4th grade student-David. David and his family returned to Shell this month after being home in Minnesota for furlough. It's been fun for the kids to welcome David back to their class.

3. Our friends Jack and Anne Derrico, and Abby, Alex, and Rosie, came to visit us from January 14-21. We had a great time with them here. Not only did Jack help me with my Spanish a lot, but we got to do a lot of fun things and just hang out. Some of our highlights with the Derricos were going on a different tarabita ride across the river, visiting Fatima zoo again (see pics from October), and eating out a few times. The Derricos also went to Tiwaeno (without us) and Anne even saw a patient or two at the hospital.

2. Friday the 18th was the Pinewood Derby at school. It was a lot of fun to see the creativity and craftsmanship of the students (and parents). Among the contestant cars were a hot dog, ice cream sandwich, 2 Lightning McQueens and a Mader, block of Swiss Cheese, toothbrush, and lots of other really cool-looking cars. Shea and Micah worked on their cars with Grandpa and Grandma when they were down and had a lot of fun at the Derby. One of Jodie's students, Tim Edwards was the champion.

1. The school year's half over. This past Friday was the last day of the 2nd quarter. It was a sad day for Jodie's class as they said goodbye to Lydia who's returning to the U.S. with her family for furlough. She'll (and the rest of her family: Dan-MAF's program director- and Tracey Whitehead & brothers) be missed, but we're excited the Whiteheads will be back in Shell in August. And so will our family. We've decided to stay here in Shell for next school year. Despite the cultural and domestic adjustments we've had to make (and there have been some "fun" days), we've really enjoyed our first 5 months here and are excited about returning to Nate Saint School and Shell. We'll be coming home for about 2 months this summer from June through August and then heading back down here to Shell. Thanks so much to all of you who have prayed for us, written to us, called us, and financially supported us!!!!!!! It's been exciting to see what God's been doing to us and through us during our time here.

For those of you wondering "where are some pictures?" They're coming and it won't be six more weeks, I promise.

*For those of you wondering "have the Princeton Tigers and Georgia Bulldogs ever met on the football field?" The answer is no. But the mens' basketball teams had one meeting in December 1988 that Georgia won 58-54. Now you'll be able to sleep easier tonight knowing that. You're welcome.