Sunday, February 24, 2008

100 days of school

Friday the 15th was the 100th day of school at Nate Saint. The 1st and 2nd classes had a day long centenial celebration. As part of day, each student built or made an object with 100 items. There were buildings made out of 100 straws and 100 popsicle sticks, 100 lego vehicles, and 100 small paper hearts glued onto a big paper heart. Shea set up a tower of 100 paper cups at school (see picture) and Micah made a paper chain with 100 links. Micah's highlight of the first 100 days was the class reading 100 books together. Shea's highlight was the Christmas musical (Meet Me at the Manger) that the school did in December and the hike to Hola Vida waterfall this month.

Jodie's class was a little more low key in recognizing 100 days. It was hard for Jodie to pin down one highlight The 3rd and 4th graders have been busy in February as their "travels" across the U.S. have had them in the Southeast. They've read Mildred Taylor's Mississippi Bridge, listened to music from the region, studied and discussed slavery and racism, and had a special visit from kindergarten teacher Mrs. Blackburn to talk about her home state of Alabama*. This week the class heads up to the Midwest. They'll start writing some tall tales this week.

Jodie celebrated her birthday on the 13th. Some of the missionary ladies had a special party for her with lots of flowers, then she got a lot of love from her students and their parents at school with more flowers and cake at school. We celebrated at home with a cake. Then this past week the two of us went out on a date to El Jardin in Puyo while Beth Patton (Jod's fellow teacher) watched the kids. That was a special treat!!

My parents were here for a week and left on Tuesday the 12th. Dad got to speak at Chapel at Nate Saint and shared about being leaders. The kids even got to play follow the leader. The week went by too fast with them.

Jadyn, Luke, and I attended our first Ecuadorian birthday party last week, also. Our friend Jhonatan (son of Isaac & Aide) turned two. There were about a dozen kids and a few parents at the party and we had fun (well Luke didn't have so much fun) playing games and singing. Then we had some very yummy cake and jello punch and Luke really enjoyed that. It was a lot of fun to celebrate with Jhonatan and the rest of his family!

*Speaking of Southern states, our cat Georgia (as well as Princeton) will never give us kitty grand-babies. They had surgery at the vet's and are now recovering nicely. They've also moved out of the house to their new "home" on the back porch.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

water fights and waterfall

The kids at Nate Saint school are working hard! But between all the math problems, spelling lists, reading contracts, and science lessons there's still time for some fun. There were a couple special days in the last 2 weeks for Jodie's and Shea & Micah's classes. The first was a special carnival celebration. Carnival is the South American equivalent of Mardi Gras. And water balloons are to Shell what beads are to New Orleans and fasnachts are to Lancaster County. On Friday the 1st, the whole school had a half day and the last two hours were spent on water games. I "substituted" for Jodie and was one of the faculty team captains. Everyone had a lot of fun and got pretty wet. We also said goodbye that day to Miss Halcyon who taught phys ed classes for the month of January. She had to return to her college in South Dakota.

Shea enjoyed this opportunity to dump a pitcher of water over my head

Luke and his friend Katie also wanted to get in on the water action

after the games ended, we just had a great big water fight

This past Thursday the 1st/2nd grade and 3rd/4th grade classes went on a field trip to a bird zoo in Puyo and Hola Vida waterfall (see our earlier blog about our family's trip there). Unfortunately, Jodie was a little under the weather so I got to be her substitute again (fotunately for me, though). There were 13 kids and 7 adults* that hiked out to the waterfall and back. The weather was great and we all seemed to have a lot of fun (except for the one really muddy spot). Many of the kids even braved the really cold water for a quick swim.

Grandpa, Shea, & Micah check out the ostrich

did I mention that it was muddy?

the kids in front of the waterfall

*two of those adults were my mom and dad who are down here visiting for a week. We've had a lot of fun reading, wrestling, playing soccer/basketball/chess, and talking with Mom/Grandma & Dad/Grandpa. Unfortunately, we have to say goodbye on Tuesday morning.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

a whole lotta pictures

Here are some pictures that I promised in the last blog. I've categorized them w/ the number from the previous post.

Micah greeting Grandma & Grandpa at the airport in Quito

Eating pizza on the floor- Christmas Eve

Praying with Dewey in Tiwaeno

I joined in on the traditional dancing line in Tiwaeno

Setting the "old man" on fire on New Years Eve

Jodie, Shea, Micah, & Jadyn at the Palon de Diablo waterfall

The tarabita ride high above the Pastaza River

The 10 of us in either the Northern or Southern Hemisphere(and Luke in both)

Jodie and Jadyn high above Quito after riding up on the telefariqo

Jadyn, Abby & Alex Derrico, walk across the footbridge into Shell

Luke gets a good view of the snake Micah's holding at Fatima "Zoo"

Shea setting up his derby car on the track

Micah awaiting his derby car at the end of the track