Thursday, September 6, 2007

A month of senses

Yesterday was our 1 month anniversary in Shell. Here's a brief glimpse of some of the sights, sounds, and smells here. (this may look a little familiar when you get your quarterly newsletter later this month).

Mountains & Jungle-we see the Andes mountains to the west (we had a clear morning today with a great view of snow capped Sangay volcano from our driveway) of Shell and the jungle of the Oriente region of Ecuador lies to our east. A walk across the foot bridge in Shell also provides a good preview of the jungle.
A historic airplane- A replica of the piper aircraft that Nate Saint flew more than 50 years ago is the centerpiece of the recently rennovated town plaza.

Rain- although August was a relatively dry month by Shell standards, we still hear lots of rain falling outside our windows on the metal roof.
Airplanes- our house is just across the road from the runway where MAF, Ecuador military, and many other planes take off and land all day long.
Roosters- there is a large rooster community in Shell and we often hear “cock-a-doodle-doo” when walking through town (especially early in the morning).

Bread- There’s nothing better than the smell of fresh baked bread from one of the many bakeries (panaderias) in Shell
Must- With all of the rain in Shell, it’s a constant battle with mold and must. Most of the closets in our house have lights to help keep things dry.

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