Thursday, October 25, 2007

Zoo and Plane Trip Photos

Here are some pics from our trip to the "zoo" and my airplane trip to the jungle.

In the monkey "section"- these guys were climbing all around, including over our heads.

Micah training for his future career as a snake charmer.

This bird was just as colorful in person.

There was no fence between me and this alligator- a little unnerving

Micah and Jadyn petting an animal (I forget its name) that looked like a cross between a donkey, rhinocerous, and anteater.

You can see why I'll never be a pilot, and why I have so much respect for the people who can fly these machines.

A crowd of people poured out onto the runway after the plane landed.

The village (MRT) is only accesible by airplane or foot.

A view of Shell from the air.


Beth said...

great photos...i can't wait for my own trip to the zoo in January!

Erin said...

The girls and I visited the Philly zoo this week... I think you guys got a little more personal with the animals that we did! It looks like the kids had fun. Love you guys!

The Welch Family said...

I just saw Rebecca's post with a link to your website! I love reading through it. So glad you all had a chance to go to Fatima (our girls loved going there...but now they want a pet tapir).