Sunday, February 10, 2008

water fights and waterfall

The kids at Nate Saint school are working hard! But between all the math problems, spelling lists, reading contracts, and science lessons there's still time for some fun. There were a couple special days in the last 2 weeks for Jodie's and Shea & Micah's classes. The first was a special carnival celebration. Carnival is the South American equivalent of Mardi Gras. And water balloons are to Shell what beads are to New Orleans and fasnachts are to Lancaster County. On Friday the 1st, the whole school had a half day and the last two hours were spent on water games. I "substituted" for Jodie and was one of the faculty team captains. Everyone had a lot of fun and got pretty wet. We also said goodbye that day to Miss Halcyon who taught phys ed classes for the month of January. She had to return to her college in South Dakota.

Shea enjoyed this opportunity to dump a pitcher of water over my head

Luke and his friend Katie also wanted to get in on the water action

after the games ended, we just had a great big water fight

This past Thursday the 1st/2nd grade and 3rd/4th grade classes went on a field trip to a bird zoo in Puyo and Hola Vida waterfall (see our earlier blog about our family's trip there). Unfortunately, Jodie was a little under the weather so I got to be her substitute again (fotunately for me, though). There were 13 kids and 7 adults* that hiked out to the waterfall and back. The weather was great and we all seemed to have a lot of fun (except for the one really muddy spot). Many of the kids even braved the really cold water for a quick swim.

Grandpa, Shea, & Micah check out the ostrich

did I mention that it was muddy?

the kids in front of the waterfall

*two of those adults were my mom and dad who are down here visiting for a week. We've had a lot of fun reading, wrestling, playing soccer/basketball/chess, and talking with Mom/Grandma & Dad/Grandpa. Unfortunately, we have to say goodbye on Tuesday morning.

1 comment:

Beth said...

looks like a fun few weeks. it's fun to see pictures now and actually know where you were and what's going on!:) miss you guys!