Monday, June 9, 2008

Last post from Ecuador . . . until August

We've gone from counting down the weeks to the days and now to the hours until we arrive back home. We leave Shell in only about 39 hours and our plane leaves Quito in about 67. We arrive at Dulles at 1 AM Friday morning. I'm sure all 6 of us will be feeling our most happiest pleasant as we go through immigration and customs. Things have been very busy here the last couple of weeks. Here are some highlights since the last post.

-Jadyn graduated from Shell Christian Preschool on May 29. She's had a great year and has had a wonderful teacher- Miss Sharon (Sharon LaBouef). I was able to be a n assistant every couple weeks and enjoyed getting to spend time with her and her friends at school. At their graduation ceremony, Jadyn was singing very loudly with the songs. This was the first time we'd ever heard one of our children's voices in a preschool group choir, as Shea and Micah were always silent or barely whispering.

-Shea and I took the bus to Ambato last Sunday (June 1) to attend our first professional Ecuadorian football match. We watched city rivals Macara and Tecnico play in the "Classico de Ambato". It was a lot of fun. South American soccer is quite a spectacle- the colors, the chants, the songs, the policemen with masks and shields. Here's highlights of the match

-Tomorrow is the last day of school of the 07-08 year at Nate Saint. It's been a busy last few weeks with physical fitness tests, graduation service, school Olympics, and all of the end of the year grading, cleaning, and organizing. Jodie's also been trying to a little macro-planning for her K-1 class next year. It's been an honor and a lot of fun to be involved in the ministry of Nate Saint Memorial School this year to the students and families. We're excited about the opportunity to be back again next year. The school will look a lot different as enrollment will be only about 18 or 20 (down from 31 this year) and the oldest student will be in 5th grade.

We're so excited to be able to see most of you blog readers this summer!!! But we know there are a few of you we won't get to see while we're back in the U.S. So I'll still plan on updating a few times to let you know how our summers going. Next post will be from Pennsylvania.


Rebecca said...

Congratulations on a successful first year in Shell!! We pray your time in the States is restful and fun.

Brooklyn says "hi" to Jadyn - she misses her so much! We're very disappointed that Brooklyn won't get to be in Jodie's class next year. I know Brooklyn would have LOVED kindergarten with Mrs. Richardson :-)

Praying God's Best for you all,
Becca for the Cannons

Beth said...

ha...i love it. can't wait to hear jadyn singing in person! i'm so excited to see you guys! thanks for the great job you did with the blog all year! i enjoyed reading them all and look forward to reading more! love you guys tons!