Sunday, July 29, 2007

without complaining

The sermon at church this morning was taken from Phillipians 2: 14&15. "Do everything without complaining...". OUCH. I've certainly done my share of complaining this week. Presciption plan hassles, kids not listening, airline seat frustrations, 100 degree heat, ... . There's lots of things that I can choose to complain about. But when I think about how truly insignificant they are and how MUCH MORE there is to be thankful for, my attitude makes a turn in the right direction.

So let me focus on the positive. Here are some highlights of the past few days.

- The Call - on Thursday afternoon, our whole family participated in a travel simulation event complete with grumpy visa officials who didn't speak English, wild taxi rides, and weapons/drugs planted in bags when going through customs. It wasn't a particularly fun thing to do with our family, but it made me realize how much we need to stick together. Our kids did a great job.

- Our "class" time on Friday consisted mainly of all of us being able to share and debrief and then pray together. It's been amazing to have come to know the people in our orientation class the last few weeks. Whether short termers or career, families or singles, headed for Ecuador; Indonesia, Lesotho, Nampa, ID or elsewhere; there has been an incredible sense of community. It's truly been a God thing! The relationships we've made have definitlely been the highlight of our time in Idaho.

- Luke had a follow-up appointment with his allergist before we left Lancaster and had a blood test to check again on the status of his egg allergy. We found out this week that the test revealed that LUKE NO LONGER HAS ANY EGG ALLERGIES! We gave him some eggs to verify the result and he didn't have any rashes!! This is such good news as monitoring ingredients would be much more difficult in Shell.

- Paper airplanes have invaded our house. I guess it's only fitting since we're a part of Mission AVIATION Fellowship, but the kids, Micah especially, have been on a paper airplane kick this week. The pile right next to the monitor here probably has more than 20 paper airplanes of various shapes and sizes. The kids are having lots of fun here and are preparing for Ecuador and were able to correspond with one of the families in Shell this week.

Only 6 days left to go!


Beth said...

Wow! A lot has happened in the last few days! Sounds like exciting things going on. I can't believe it's only 6 more days! I'm looking forward to hearing how the move goes! Love you all! Give the kids a hug for me!

Ray and Meredyth said...

Wow!! Luke is potty trained and no longer allergic to eggs. That in itself is enough to P.T.L. about. Sounds like he is making great strides!!
Jeremy, when Ray saw the 7,7,7, he said that's Jeremy's hobby - to know trivia.
Our son just called me and helped me get into the bloggin comment part of your blogs. They had gone out west a couple weeks ago and their daughter had set up a blog and it was fun to read but somehow I really messed up trying to figure out how to respond. So he figured out the problem and now here I am in the world of bloggers!!!
We are so glad you are having good experiences in preparation to get on with your journey. God is so good!
We love you and will be eager to hear some more!
Ray and Meredyth