Monday, September 3, 2007

Back to School

Jodie, Shea, and Micah had their first day of school at Nate Saint Memorial School today (pictures to come). Jadyn, Luke, and I atteneded the opening chapel too. We sang a fun little (a little cheesy, but fun) song titled "The Shell Song" complete with motions and sound effects. It's sort of the school's "theme song". I'll try to get the complete lyrics posted here, but it starts out "The grass is always greener south of the equator . . . " After the students (around 30 students total- K-8) and teachers went back to their classrooms, the parents had a short meeting and prayer time.
Jodie and the boys all seemed to have a pretty good day. Jodie has 6 students in her class(2 4th graders & 4 3rd graders). There are 9 students (4 2nd graders & 5 1st graders) in the boys class. One of the fun things about the school schedule here is that everyone gets to go home for an hour and 15 minute lunch. So the three of us at home get to see the three of them halfway through the day.
Jadyn, Luke, and I had a good first day of our new routine with Daddy as "Mr. Mom". We made a couple trips into town and stopped at the post office where we had three packages and two letters waiting for us. I think we must be pretty popular because we were walking past the post office (I wasn't planning on stopping until the way back from the store) when the "mail woman" stopped me by name (I was impressed) and told me that we had some packages.

I'll try to get back to my average of 1.7 posts per week.


Beth said...

glad to hear day 1 went well! let us know if the packages were from mom and aunt sue or not!

Di said...

This is Keeton writing.Thats great!

Dee said...

Everywhere we Richardsons go we're known for receiving mail! That's cool they know your name at the post office already!