Thursday, September 13, 2007

First day(s) of school, part 2

A few highlights of the week in Shell:

-We had more first days of school this week. Jadyn started pre-school this week. She's attending an English preschool (Shell Christian Preschool) 3 days a week and pre-school at a local Christian School (CELE- an acronym for Centro Educatavio Luz del Evangelio) 2 days a week. Jadyn already knew most of the kids in her "English" pre-school as well as the teacher, so she was pretty happy and excited to be there. She was a little hesitant when I left her yesterday at her first day of "Spanish" pre-school. But when I picked her up 4 hours later, she said that her first day was "great". She got a school physical from the HCJB pediatrician whose son is in Jodie's class.

-I've been teaching phys ed to Jodie's class. Since our house is so close to school, I run over to school and Jodie goes home. Then she comes back over a half hour later and I run back home. It's been pretty fun. We've played soccer, kickball, parachute, and some other fun games. I also know I couldn't be an elementary teacher. But teaching gym is a need for all the teachers, so we were able to get our house helper to stay a little longer so I can also teach phys ed to the 1st/2nd grade class & the middle school class. I'll probably start that new schedule next week. Does anyone have some polyester shorts or a whistle I could borrow?

-The hangar across the street has been very busy the last couple weeks. Alas (MAF) has been flying hundreds of school teachers to communities in the jungle region of eastern Ecuador. Some communities get one school teacher while others get a dozen (depending on their size). The pilots I've talked to this week are pretty worn out from flying and (especially) coordinating all of the flights.

-Coke Zero has arrived in Shell. The first shipment must have come in over the weekend because this week, all of the markets in Shell have been stocking Coke Zero. There's even a marketing push as I've seen a few Coke Zero posters around town. I've think I've only seen one bottle of Pepsi since I've been in Shell. So, for those of you, i.e. Dad & Beth, that think Coke is a 4 letter word, you'll need to pack some Pepsi or enjoy the water here.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Social Jadyn...she must get it from her aunts! :) do you need us to send you whistles?